Submission ID 92144

Session Title DA - Digital Twinning for Transportation Assets
Title US Transportation Agencies accelerating toward Digital Delivery and OpenBIM

Digital Delivery and OpenBIM® are transforming the way agencies design, construct and maintain assets in the US Transportation Industry – harnessing resilient, consistent, and reliable digital data across the project lifecycle through openBIM, open data standards, and Digital Twins. This presentation will summarize recent US national and State Department of Transportation efforts to leverage digital data throughout the project lifecycle – including expanded use of model as the legal document (signed and sealed 3d digital deliverables), digital construction, and enhanced integration involving CAD/GIS for Operations and Maintenance; all enabled through OpenBIM and open data standards. Updates on the latest US national initiatives will be discussed including recent transportation industry efforts by AASHTO’s new cross-disciplinary Joint Committee on Data Standardization (JSTAN), national BIM for Infrastructure transportation pooled fund efforts, the recently adopted US bridge open data standards, an overview of US transportation industry input into ISO compliant international open data standards, and new guidance from the American Road and Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA) on accelerating digital construction.

Initiatives from several US States will also be discussed, including the process to develop and implement broad Digital Delivery Roadmaps at the agency level (from planning and design to construction and operations and maintenance), ongoing pilot project efforts, and lessons learned to date implementing digital delivery at the State level.

Presentation Description (max. 50 words) Presentation provides an overview of the latest US Transportation industry efforts to leverage digital data throughout the project lifecycle - including ongoing efforts to develop and adopt US open data standards, expanded use of model as the legal document (signed and sealed 3d digital deliverables), and new digital construction initiatives.
Presenter / Author Information WIll Sharp, HDR

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