Submission ID 91994

Session Title AM - Emerging Asset Management Classes and Maturity
Title Streamlining Culvert Inspection: A Tablet-Based Inventory and Condition Inspection Procedure for Asset Management

This paper presents a tablet-based inventory and condition inspection procedure for culvert assets using the data collection criteria outlined in the Culvert and Storm Drain System Inspection Manual (AASHTO, 2020). The procedure streamlines the inspection process by allowing for the digitization of data collection and real-time reporting, resulting in significant time and cost savings, improved accuracy, and repeatability. The procedure has been tested and implemented on the Alaska Highway in British Columbia, where approximately 2,200 culverts were inspected.

Effective management of culvert assets requires reliable inventory and condition data on their structural and geometric characteristics and component conditions. The AASHTO Inspection Manual, published in 2020, addresses this need by updating the inspection and rating criteria, incorporating over 30 years of changes since its original publication in 1986.

The rating system, based on the AASHTO Inspection Guide, includes the rating of culvert components such as roadway, seams, barrel condition, embankment, channel, end treatments, barrel alignment, joints, and seams. This component-level rating allows for a practical and efficient capital works program, as the entire culvert is rarely in poor condition.

The approach utilizes an ArcGIS-based mobile solution to collect inventory and condition data, perform inspections, take notes, and share information with the office. The paper summarizes the methodology used, including the culvert inspection criteria, mobile solution, training workshops, data repeatability, collected inventory and condition data and development of a Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Index.

Digitizing data also allows for improved data analysis and asset management decision-making. Overall, this paper demonstrates the culvert data collection requirements and effectiveness of tablet-based technology in inspection and highlights the potential for similar applications for other agencies. The inventory, condition and MCDA data are suitable for developing a 20-year culvert capital works replacement and adaptation program.

Presentation Description (max. 50 words) This presentation presents a tablet-based inventory and condition inspection procedure for culvert assets using the data collection criteria outlined in the Culvert and Storm Drain System Inspection Manual (AASHTO, 2020) which allow for the digitization of data collection and real-time reporting, resulting in significant time, cost savings & improved accuracy.
Presenter / Author Information Afzal Waseem, Tetra Tech Canada Inc.
Gary St. Michel, Tetra Tech Canada Inc.

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