Submission ID 91818

Session Title CO - Utility Coordination on Large and Small Projects and Programs
Title SUE and the Benefits to the Finch West Light Rail Transit Project

As more municipalities work towards implementing transit strategic plans to respond to the population growth and urban development, one common challenge is designing and constructing the required infrastructure around the existing utilities within mature urban environments. This presentation provides an overview of how the Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) and related Services were utilized to address this challenge on the Finch West Light Rail Transit Project. 

The presentation will cover several aspects of the project with main focus on the utilities due diligence and technical services during design and construction phases. We will start by explaining the overall project geography from the start point to the end point of the LRT. We will then identify some of the major utility related challenges faced by the project. We will explain how the utility related due diligence measures put forth. The presentation will go into some of the technical aspects of the due diligence including the engineering standards followed and the techniques used for accurately mapping subsurface utilities which make up a large portion of the due diligence. Followed by due diligence we will discuss the steps implemented in mitigating the risks associated with the major challenges. We will talk about the Utility Coordination strategy and how this mitigated risks associated with the major challenges on the project. And lastly the presentation will be wrapped up with lessons learned.

This presentation will give the audience an in depth walkthrough of the Finch West LRT and allow them to walk away with a better understanding of the challenges and solutions faced when working around the congested existing utilities typical in urban areas.

Presentation Description (max. 50 words) This presentation provides an overview of how the Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) and related Services were utilized to address the challenge of designing and constructing the required infrastructure around the existing utilities on the Finch West Light Rail Transit Project.
Presenter / Author Information Laurie LeBlanc, T2 Utility Engineers
Daniel Jarvie, T2 Utility Engineers
Zeeshan Haider, WSP Canada (seconded to Metrolinx on FWLRT)

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