Submission ID 91872

Session Title GD - Urban Design Challenges—Accessibility, Vision Zero and Complete Streets
Title Accessibility Improvements with Half-Height Curbs

This presentation will discuss the research and design implementation strategy of utilizing half-height curbs (50-70mm) to act as a delineation curb between pedestrian and cycling facilities. The purpose of the half-height curb is to provide a detectable surface or edge for persons with reduced visibility and for those who may use walking canes or guide dogs. The presentation will be broken down into two halves: discussion of the genesis of the half-height curb and its improvement for accessibility within the public right of way, and discussion of engineering details and design requirements that should be considered for implementation.

The City of Ottawa has developed guidance for the use of half-height curbs for use on City projects where pedestrian facilities would be immediately adjacent to cycling facilities at the same grade. The half-height curbs replace the 200mm demarcator tile which was found to be difficult to detect by those who use a walking cane or guide dog. Through workshops, the City found that providing some grade separation would improve detectability and assist in keeping cyclists within their own facility and not abuse the adjoining sidewalk.

The remainder of the presentation will showcase new standard details developed by Morrison Hershfield in conjunction with the City of Ottawa. These details, along with guidance for designers, will assist in implementing half-height curbs in reconstruction and new build scenarios. The discussion is framed around the implication of grading with the addition of grade separation between the pedestrian and cycling facility. In addition, scenarios for transit stops, intersections, and areas where the half-height curb may not be applicable will be discussed along with a brief on options for cycling facilities to maintain grade separation to satisfy the original intent of half height curbs.

Presentation Description (max. 50 words)
Presenter / Author Information Will Rose, Morrison Hershfield

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