Submission ID 91844

Session Title GD - Urban Design Challenges—Accessibility, Vision Zero and Complete Streets
Title Marrying Grade Separations with Complete Streets Design to Support Transit-Oriented Communities

The City of Vaughan’s Block 27 New Community Area will be transit-oriented, compact, vibrant, inclusive, healthy, sustainable and diverse. Supported by provincial investment in the potential Kirby GO Transit Station and all-day two-way GO rail transit service, Block 27 is a unique opportunity to create a transit-oriented community from scratch with mobility infrastructure that supports safe and convenient travel for all modes.

Kirby Road is a key east-west corridor that will support the growth of the Block 27 community. Through the North Vaughan Transportation Master Plan (TMP), HDR assisted the City in identifying the need for multi-modal improvements and a new rail-grade separation prior to build-out of the community, that aligned with station construction to minimize construction costs and disruption. The team undertook a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment study to implement the TMP recommendations for Kirby Road which supports the City’s vision to provide high-quality, attractive, competitive, and sustainable mode choices while accommodating current and future traffic needs.

The preferred design for Kirby Road includes a two-lane widening to support frequent transit service, while cycle tracks and sidewalks wider than minimum requirements outlined in municipal design standards will encourage active travel by improving comfort and safety for vulnerable road users. Furthermore, the urbanization and incorporation of Complete Street practices and Green Infrastructure into the design also creates opportunities to improve drainage, stormwater management and climate resilience, which is particularly important with high potential for increased frequency and intensity of severe weather events.

Lessons learned will be shared to benefit other municipalities facing similar challenges.

Presentation Description (max. 50 words)
Presenter / Author Information Hilda Esedebe, City of Vaughan
Tara Erwin, HDR Inc.

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