Submission ID 91624

Session Title MM - Electric Vehicle Charging
Title Challenges and Opportunities of EV Charging Infrastructure Design and Deployment in Large Urban Areas

The rate of EV adoption has continued to rise as government regulations and major vehicle manufacturers continue to push the agenda for a change from ICE to ZEVs. This has given rise to a rapid increase in the level of demand for charging infrastructure, with many current or potential owners expecting the public sector in particular to provide this infrastructure. Early charging infrastructure deployments have focussed on off-street locations in less densely populated areas, where utility connects and capacity are readily available and the space used has not been repurposed. However, as the adoption movement has switched from encouraged to pushed (through Government mandates), the anticipated demand has risen and 'unused' space in urban locations to provide charging is no longer sufficient.

This presentation will explore the steps taken by several North American to deal with the unique challenges of planning for and preparing delivery of major EV charging strategies and networks. It will explore the forecasting of demand, the siting and phasing of infrastructure and how education and public engagement are key to successful programs. The presentation will also discuss how challenges such as garage orphans, utility connections and curbspace congestion can all present challenges to deployment, and what options and mitigations can be used to address these issues. The presentation will also discuss several different operating models, common questions and challenges faced when determining delivery mechanisms and how user expectations influence design decisions.

Presentation Description (max. 50 words) Exploring the planning and deployment of EV charging infrastructure, this presentation will dive into the complexities and challenges that EV charging provision in dense urban areas provides. Planning for, deploying or managing a network, the competition for space, utility connections and price all factors in the decision making process
Presenter / Author Information Edward Stubbing, AECOM

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