Submission ID 91306

Session Title AT - Cycling Solutions: Overcoming Challenges through Design
Title Active Transportation In York Region - Design Challenges and Solutions

York Region is a rapidly growing community north of Toronto.  Once considered a suburb of Toronto, with agriculture the principal industry, York Region has expanded and is now home to more than 1.1 million residents.  As a suburb, the planning of the Region has been typically auto dominant with transit and active transportation facilities being an after thought. 


Design solutions are presented, evaluated and implemented as part of capital road projects and standalone projects.  This presentation will explore some of the solutions that have overcome barriers, such as intersections, high-volume roadways, and in particular, freeways.  York Region is bisected by four major provincial freeways, which create a monumental barrier for any traveller within the Region.  Since many of these freeways were constructed when there was little or no development in the area, motorized vehicles were the only user of these facilities. Through the completion of the Region’s 2022 Transportation Master Plan, we heard overwhelming interest from our residents for more transportation options such as walking and cycling, and proper facilities to ensure the safety of all road users. 


The presentation will be a summary of where we were, where we are, and where want to be in terms of active transportation facilities, considering the challenges that we face with limited right-of-way and budgets. 

Presentation Description (max. 50 words) This presentation will summarize York Region's experience in providing various active transportation facilities within the Regional right-of-way with an emphasis on crossing Provincial freeways.
Presenter / Author Information Doug MacKay, York Region

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