Submission ID 90702

Session Title MO - Innovations in Summer and Winter Maintenance
Title Maintenance Decision Support System (MDSS) For Parking Lots and Sidewalks

Countries such as Canada that experience winter weather conditions typically use salt to combat slippery conditions caused by snow and ice buildup on roads, sidewalks, and parking lots. Canada uses over 5 million tonnes of salt[1]  annually on Canadian roads and much more if you include sidewalks, pathways, and parking lots. Salt usage continues to increase with climate change and increases in urbanization and infrastructure.  Salt has an adverse impact on the environment, including freshwater ecosystems, soil, vegetation, and wildlife and is considered a toxic substance in Canada. 

Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) developed a Code of Practice for the Environmental Management of Road Salts (Code) to balance environmental protection while at the same time maintaining public safety. The Code recommends developing salt management plans and implementing Best Management Practices (BMP) including salt application rates, Road Weather Information Systems (RWIS), and Maintenance Decision Support Systems (MDSS).  MDSS takes RWIS to the next level integrating the RWIS forecasts with operational standards providing planning solutions to best combat upcoming winter storms effectively.

WSP has undertaken significant research into leading organizations across North America including Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Smart About Salt (SAS), and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) and developed winter material application rates for parking lots and sidewalks.  WSP has incorporated these rates into MDSS providing an efficient maintenance plan, for parking lots and sidewalks, for each winter storm. 

Winter maintenance material application rates and MDSS are now available for the following conditions:

  • Infrastructure: Parking lots, sidewalks, pathways
  • Materials: salt, pre-wet salt, pre-treated salt, sand
  • Weather conditions: frost, snow, and freezing rain/drizzle
  • Temperature ranges: 0°C to -65°C

Road authorities and other organizations who perform winter maintenance operations for parking lots and sidewalks can now use the salt management best practices to enhance their operations, save salt, reduce costs, and reduce the environmental impact of winter maintenance operations.


[1] Environment and Climate Change Canada 2005

Presentation Description (max. 50 words) This presentation will provide an overview of the work undertaken to establish winter material application rates for parking lots and sidewalks along with the Maintenance Decision Support System (MDSS) planning tool.
Presenter / Author Information Heather McClintock, WSP
Gus Pereira, WSP
Diar Hassan, WSP

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