Submission ID 90188

Session Title PV - Innovations in Pavement Management, Engineering and Technologies
Title A Clustering Approach to Linking Pavement Mix Design and Safety Outcomes for Pavement Management

The goal of this ongoing research is to develop tools and techniques to design, deliver, and manage pavements for safety using continuous friction and macrotexture data. The technique outlined in this paper identifies and groups road segments by factors corresponding to the safety performance and pavement surface characteristics of various pavement mix designs. In this paper, we will discuss data acquisition, preprocessing, clustering methods, results, and current and potential use cases.


Over the last three (3) years, WDM USA collected approximately 40,000 lane miles of continuous pavement friction and macrotexture data on State-maintained roadways in the US state of Kentucky. The dataset includes annual measurements taken in both directions on all Interstate and Parkway roads and in one direction (cardinal or non-cardinal) on all State Primary and State Secondary roads. Road geometry features, continuous pavement friction, and texture values were obtained by WDM's SCRIM road survey vehicle. Road network features (e.g. AADT, speed limit) and aggregate mix design, pavement construction, and age/treatment information was provided by the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC).


Preprocessing aggregate mix design and construction record data required significant manual review and consultation with subject matter experts. The team explored several aggregation methods to minimize information loss. Mix design information was assigned to each 0.1 mile road segment in the WDM survey data.


The first phase of the analysis used a K-Prototype (mixed variable type) algorithm. Aggregate mix design data was represented by a primary and secondary ingredient name and associated mix proportion value. Initial results of this analysis indicated that road geometry features dominated clustering behaviors, with aggregate mix ingredients having minimal impact.


In the second phase of the analysis, aggregate mix design data were restructured to contain only numerical variables. The ingredients in each mix design were aggregated based on particle size and polish resistance, represented as a proportion of the overall design mix. The proportion of reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) in each mix was also represented. Using both K-means and DBSCAN algorithms, initial results showed clear cluster separation driven by particle size and polish resistance values. Comparatively, the road geometry features that were retained in this phase of the analysis did not contribute significantly to the clustering behavior.


KYTC is using this analysis as an input to maintenance programming and pavement friction service level setting. Future implications also include enhanced pavement friction deterioration modelling, surface treatment selection, and safety outcomes through regular/preventative maintenance programming.

Presentation Description (max. 50 words)
Presenter / Author Information Ryland Potter, WDM USA Limited
Laura Thriftwood, WDM USA Limited

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