Submission ID 78324

Code OB-5-4
At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
Category Medical Education
Type Oral
Will the presenter be a: Graduate Student
Title Quality of Narrative Feedback Provided by Faculty and Resident Assessors for Entrustable Professional Activities: Analysis of 4 Years of Assessments in the Surgical Foundations Curriculum at Queen's University.
Background/Purpose Competency-Based Medical Education (CBME) requires formative assessments and feedback on learners' performance. Feedback within CBME is provided by faculty, residents/fellows, allied health professionals, and medical students. How the quality of narrative feedback from faculty and resident assessor groups differs is currently unknown.
Methods We collected assessments of Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) performed by residents in the Surgical Foundations (SF) curriculum at Queen's University from July 2017-June 2021. We collected variables pertaining to the assessor, resident, and assessment. Two raters independently used the Quality of Assessment of Learning (QuAL) Score (range 0 to 5) to evaluate the quality of narrative feedback.
Results A total of 3143 assessments of EPAs in the SF program were completed by faculty (n=1751) and residents (n= 1292). Narrative feedback was provided more often by faculty 59.7% (1045/1751) than residents 52.7% (681/1292) yet the overall quality of narrative feedback provided by residents was significantly greater than that provided by faculty (mean QuAL ± SD 2.29 ± 1.52 vs. 2.00 ± 1.46, p<0.001). When comparing year to year, a significant difference between faculty and residents' QuAL scores was found in 2018-2019. There was significant difference in feedback quality between faculty and residents when the resident was entrusted (p=0.002).
Discussion There is significant difference in the quality of narrative feedback between faculty and resident assessors. Future research will focus in exploring the underlying reasons for this difference.
Keyword 1 Feedback
Keyword 2 EPA
Keyword 3 Surgical Foundations
Abstract content most relevant to: (check all that apply) Residency Education
Abstract Track - First Choice Assessment
Assessment Competency-based assessment
Entrustable Professional Activities
Authors Ingrid de Vries
Rosephina Del Fernandes
Boris Zevin
Ingrid de Vries

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