Submission ID 78314

Code OG-5-1
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Category Medical Education
Type Oral
Will the presenter be a: Student
Title How Do Medical Students Engage in Goal Setting? the Effects of Medical Student Goal Setting Behaviours on Wellbeing and Learner Experience.
Background/Purpose Achievement Goal Theory (AGT) outlines goal setting approaches. AGT notes that individuals can be trained towards more adaptive goal approaches, as certain orientations are associated with increased resilience and performance ability. To understand the specific ways in which goal setting behaviours affect the medical student experience, we aimed to conduct a qualitative exploration of their goal setting processes, including the types of goals they set, student awareness of their goal setting behaviours and how this process may affect their wellbeing and overall learner experience.
Methods 19 virtual semi-structured interviews were conducted with medical students in all years of study across Canada. Transcripts were coded and analyzed independently by two researchers using thematic analysis who met with a third researcher to review codes.
Results A number of themes emerged from our analysis. Our study found that medical students have poor awareness of their goal setting approaches and the impact they have on perceived wellness. Additionally, most medical students seem to follow distinct goal setting scripts, each associated with different motivations, priorities, and response to adversity. Goal setting behaviours were substantially different between years of study, and were heavily influenced by curricular/educational demands which contributed to learners identifying incongruence with individual goals.
Discussion Together these findings provide important insight into how medical students set goals, how these processes may impact wellbeing, and how goal-setting changes throughout training. These insights provide a foundation to develop programming around goal setting strategies that may better support learner adaptiveness and promote wellbeing.
Keyword 1 goal setting
Keyword 2 wellness
Keyword 3 resiliency
Abstract content most relevant to: (check all that apply) Undergraduate Medical Education
Abstract Track - First Choice Wellness and the culture of medicine
Authors Cassandra Sillner
Mary Cairns
Victor Do
Cheryl Goldstein
Cassandra Sillner
Mary Cairns

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