Submission ID 78305

Code OE-3-5
At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
Category Medical Education
Type Oral
Will the presenter be a: Other
Presenter Other staff and upper year Faculty
Title Building A Provincial System of Support for Black Learners in Ontario Medical Schools
Background/Purpose As the population of Black learners has begun to increase across Canada, attention has turned towards the learner experience and matriculation into the profession of medicine, and the entrance into learning environments with deeply entrenched Anti-Black racism. In 2020, the Black Physicians' Association of Ontario (BPAO), in partnership with Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) leaders from all six medical schools in Ontario, agreed in principle to the establishment of the Network to advance Black medical learners (N-ABL). This initiative This Network will form a basis for knowledge exchange and the establishing of best practices to support Black medical learners across Ontario.
Methods BPAO shared its recommendations for the establishment of a network in 2020, and through the development of a provincial network and national partners, wise practices are being shared with learners, staff and faculty across six Ontario school to support Black learners.
Results The collaboration resulted in an active organization which is currently working on addressing issues related to the following six themes of 1) curriculum, 2) mentorship, 3) pathways for reporting incidents of racism and mistreatment, 4) wellness, 5) data collection, monitoring and evaluation, 6) transition from learner to physician, through a working group structure.
Discussion An Afrocentric asset-based approach of sharing wise practices across Ontario medical schools, and developing new resources which include the perspectives of Black faculty, staff and learners is supporting the enhancement of the Black learner experience and increased social accountability for medical schools
Keyword 1 Black medical learners
Keyword 2 Anti-Black racism
Keyword 3 learner support
Abstract content most relevant to: (check all that apply) Continuing Professional Development (CPD) (faculty development, CME)
Residency Education
Undergraduate Medical Education
Abstract Track - First Choice Black Health & Wellness
Black Health & Wellness Racial Equity in Health Care & The Learning Environment
Afro-centric Ways of Knowing
Anti-Black Racism and Social Transformation
Authors Ike Okafor
Nazik Hammad
Cynthia Maxwell
Ike Okafor

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