Submission ID 78235

Code P67
At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
Category Medical Education
Type Oral
Will the presenter be a: Other
Title Cbme as A Protective Factor Against Disruption in Medical Education
Background/Purpose Describe the advantages of a competency based assessment system in assessing undergraduate learners in the context of a clerkship disrupted by multiple shutdowns and system changes.
Methods Data from student assessment during the core clerkships affected by the covid -19 pandemic as well as other systems disruptions at Memorial University Faculty of Medicine demonstrate that despite multiple changes in timelines and curriculum delivery, competency assessment methods allowed assessors to determine competency and preparedness for post-graduate training. Both progress and promotions decisions were able to be made with confidence based on the measurement of competency using programmatic assessment rather than time based assessment. Progress testing, longitudinal tracking of EPA entrustability, and individual coaching to enhance learner success all contributed to ensuring that the frequent disruptions did not negatively impact the success of learners in completing their program.
Results Data from the grey literature demonstrating learner progression will demonstrate that adaptations to the curriculum did not negatively affect the learner's ability to develop competency or the preceptor's ability to make decisions regarding entrustability.
Discussion Despite multiple disruptions in clinical learning and changes to schedules, order and length of rotations and delivery of academic curriculum, learners in Phase 4(clerkship) at Memorial University were able to be supported, coached and measure their progress through the competencies needed for graduation due to the use of programmatic assessment. Although hopefully we will not face as extensive a disruption to the system as in 2020-2021, the lessons learned also instruct how to support individual learners whose training is disrupted.
Keyword 1 Competency based medical education
Keyword 2 programmatic assessment
Keyword 3 covid-19
Abstract content most relevant to: (check all that apply) Undergraduate Medical Education
Abstract Track - First Choice Assessment
Assessment Competency-based assessment
Entrustable Professional Activities
Programmatic Assessment
Work-place based
Authors Norah Duggan
Katrin Zipperlin

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