Submission ID 78202
Code | WH-6 |
At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to: | |
Learning Objective 1 | Formulate 6 concepts that underpin generalist expertise |
Learning Objective 2 | Adapt the 6C framework into teaching |
Learning Objective 3 | Demonstrate generalism more explicitly to learners |
Category | Medical Education |
Type | Workshop |
Title | Teaching Generalism: 6cs to Demonstrate Generalist Expertise Across Disciplines |
Rationale/Background | Generalism is a philosophy of care, "distinguished by a commitment to the breadth of practice within each discipline and collaboration with the larger health care team in order to respond to patient and community needs."1 Increasingly generalist practice spans many disciplines including internal medicine, pediatrics, general surgery and psychiatry. Explicit attention to the praxis of generalism is rarely the focus of undergraduate or postgraduate curricula, meaning learners are often unclear about generalism really means in clinical practice. The purpose of this workshop is to provide a framework to make evident to learners how generalism is enacted in different generalist disciplines. |
Instructional Methods | Start with a brief presentation on generalism, informed by literature (7 minutes). Participants will be invited to brainstorm keywords they associate with generalist practice (7 mins). We will then introduce 6 concepts of generalism2: context integration, complexity, continuity, collaboration, communication and comprehensive care (10 mins). Participants will work in small groups to identify how they would engage learners in each 'C' during a range of learning activities such as small group learning or clinical placements. (20mins). Each group will then feedback to the large group (20 mins) followed by large group discussion (10 minutes). After the workshop facilitators will synthesize ideas to develop a comprehensive map of teaching activities to make generalism more explicit during clinical learning. Slides and synthesis will be made available to participants following the workshop |
Target Audience | Educators, clinicians and learners interested in teaching generalism |
Keyword 1 | Generalism |
Keyword 2 | Teaching |
Keyword 3 | |
Abstract content most relevant to: (check all that apply) | Continuing Professional Development (CPD) (faculty development, CME)
Residency Education Undergraduate Medical Education |
Abstract Track - First Choice | Curriculum |
Curriculum | General |
Authors | Maria Hubinette Ann Lee Nathalie Boudreault Martina Kelly Lyn Power |