Submission ID 78299

Code P69
At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
Category Medical Education
Type Oral
Will the presenter be a: Other
Presenter Other Faculty (Instructor and Assistant Dean)
Title Teaching and Learning as Adventure
Background/Purpose I've recently had the great honour of being invited into the 3M National Teaching Fellowship.
Methods In preparing my dossier for the Fellowship, I had the challenge and the opportunity to reflect deeply on my approach to teaching and learning. Through this process, I came to the realization that for me teaching and learning are adventurous undertakings.
Results As a learner, I am at my best when I am uncertain about a new topic, but I am motivated to learn. As a teacher, I am at my best when I am a tad nervous about the topic, and thus motivated to be well prepared; and when I'm excited to try to share an important message with my learners, and thus motivated to do everything I can to make the message salient and relevant to the diversity of learners in the room.
Discussion Through this presentation I will describe how teaching and learning can be viewed as adventure, and that this metaphor can help reinvigorate us as teachers and lifelong learners. I will also suggest some ways that we can use this perspective to help in recruitment and support of our colleagues for whom teaching might be secondary, at least as measured in hours of time spent, to research or clinical practice. Lastly, I will argue that an adventure mindset encourages us to accept a degree of risk and uncertainty, and that this is critical if we are to innovate and respond to the significant challenges we currently face in healthcare.
Keyword 1 Teaching
Keyword 2 Learning
Keyword 3 Recruitment
Abstract content most relevant to: (check all that apply) Continuing Professional Development (CPD) (faculty development, CME)
Residency Education
Undergraduate Medical Education
Abstract Track - First Choice Distributed Medical Education
Authors Sean Maurice

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