Submission ID 78297

Code OF-5-1
At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
Category Medical Education
Type Oral
Will the presenter be a: Early Career Faculty - (Less than 7 years of practice)
Title Integrating Direct Observations in Clinical Teachers' Workflow: an Exploratory Cognitive Task Analysis
Background/Purpose Successful implementation of competency-based assessments is largely contingent on Direct Observation (DO). However, managing clinical and educational demands in the workplace is cognitively taxing for clinical teachers (CTs) whose uptake of DO remains problematic and threatens its educational mandate. The purpose of this study was to understand the cognitive functions and cues that drive CTs' decision-making in integrating DO in their workflow.
Methods We conducted a qualitative study guided by Applied Cognitive Task Analysis. We interviewed six CTs in internal medicine-based specialties who work on inpatient medical units at a single academic institution. We used a nomination process to find participants who excel at using DO in inpatient settings. Data were analyzed using reflexive thematic analysis.
Results CTs described a dual responsibility in attending to patients' and learners' needs, with patient safety ultimately prioritized as the key driver for DO. Participants shared three cognitive functions underlying their work on inpatient units: (1) making tasks count twice to promote efficient use of DO, (2) planning and re-planning DO as clinical activities unfold, and (3) self-reflections that mold their educational practices. Several cues informed CT's use of DO and were categorized in relation to (1) patients and their care, (2) learners, (3) teachers' experiences and (4) the learning environment.
Discussion The insight gained on patient safety as the primary cognitive driver for DO provides an opportunity to shift FD initiatives. Using the identified cognitive functions and cues, we discuss potential opportunities for FD to better prepare and engage CTs in integrating DO in their workflow.
Keyword 1 Direct Observation
Keyword 2 Faculty Development
Keyword 3 Patient Safety
Abstract content most relevant to: (check all that apply) Continuing Professional Development (CPD) (faculty development, CME)
Residency Education
Abstract Track - First Choice Faculty Development
Authors Roy Khalife
Roy Khalife
Samantha Halman
Susan Humphrey-Murto
Elizabeth Papautsky
Ara Tekian
Rachel Yudkowsky
Kori LaDonna

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