Submission ID 78291

Code OC-5-5
At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
Category Medical Education
Type Oral
Will the presenter be a: Early Career Faculty - (Less than 7 years of practice)
Title How Do We Train Anti-Racist Medical Researchers? Effectiveness of A Race Within Medical Research Module for Family Medicine Residents.
Background/Purpose The exploitation of racialized people is built upon a pseudoscience of race created by medical scientists: assumptions of differences in biology that continue to implicitly impact clinicians' assessments of our patients physiology and health. JAMA and CIHI have recently published guidelines on race reporting within medical research. North American residency programs are required to include training in evidence-based medicine and scholarship. At McMaster University, within the Family Medicine curriculum, we aimed to increase residents' skill in understanding how race-based data in medical research has the potential to positively or negatively impact racialized communities' health.
Methods We developed a Race within Medical Research curriculum to improve residents' ability to: define race; critique the techniques used to measure and interpret race-based data in research; and, appraise research findings and their potential impact on racialized communities. Part 1 delivers key concepts and guidance on race-based data didactically; Part 2 is small group tutorial, critiquing race within medical research. This is currently being implemented across all family medicine training sites at McMaster University.
Results We will present findings of the learners' and tutors' end-of-module evaluations; an assessment of learners' and tutors' confidence in critiquing how race was measured/interpreted within research and how findings can impact racialized communities; and qualitative data from tutors regarding their comfort with facilitation of small group discussions, and the acceptability of resources and support provided.
Discussion We plan to propose future directions for embedding anti-racist practices in residency training.
Keyword 1 Medical education
Keyword 2 Racism
Keyword 3 Research Methodology
Abstract content most relevant to: (check all that apply) Continuing Professional Development (CPD) (faculty development, CME)
Residency Education
Abstract Track - First Choice Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Authors Anjali Menezes
Gabrielle Inglis
Teresa Semalulu
Gina Agarwal
Anjali Menezes

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