Submission ID 78287

Code OA-2-4
At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
Category Medical Education
Type Oral
Will the presenter be a: Student
Title Exploring Clinical Clerks' Perception of the Development of Collaborator Canmeds Competency Through Completion of an Interprofessional Clinical Placement
Background/Purpose Background: Medical students acquire skills during their training that are necessary for building successful teams capable of achieving shared decision-making. Currently, little is known about the way clinical clerks perceive interprofessional collaboration. Through the lens of situated learning theory, this study assessed the student perspective of the collaboration competency outlined in the CanMEDS framework during a multidisciplinary chronic pain two-week elective.
Methods Methods: Fourteen students from across Canada completed a two-week chronic pain elective in Calgary between 2018 and 2019. Semi-structured interviews were conducted, line by line coding was performed and deductive content analysis was used to identify themes. Input from two non-participating medical students at an early stage of clerkship was included during the secondary analysis, providing a new perspective on this topic.
Results Results: Two major themes were identified following our analysis. Students highlighted the importance of communication in multidisciplinary settings and conveyed a better understanding of the responsibilities assigned to allied health professionals. Clerks also reported a better understanding of the hierarchical decision-making process, and an increased ability to utilize the expertise of other professionals. These themes were highlighted by all 14 participants. Overall, this elective helped clerks achieve a better understanding of allied health fields and highlighted the perspectives of Canadian clerks.
Discussion Discussion: Effective communication and teaching methods to increase awareness of the different skillsets available within the health care system will improve professional collaborations and ensure patient-centered care. Further inquiries into the limitations within the education system will improve our abilities to eliminate communication barriers.
Keyword 1 Interprofessional education
Keyword 2 Clinical Clerks
Keyword 3 CanMEDS
Abstract content most relevant to: (check all that apply) Undergraduate Medical Education
Abstract Track - First Choice Inter-professional Education
Authors Saud Sunba
Saud Sunba
Sana Jawad
Kelly Shinkaruk

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