Submission ID 78267

Code OE-2-5
At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
Category Medical Education
Type Oral
Will the presenter be a: Student
Title Giving Youth the Tools to Pursue Medicine with Mini Med School
Background/Purpose Physicians who represent their diverse patient populations provide more comprehensive and quality healthcare to these patients. As such, medical schools play a role in social accountability through graduating physicians from historically-underrepresented populations. Mini Med Schools (MMS) are a strategy to motivate youth from these demographics to pursue medicine. We investigated the extent to which one MMS informs students from underrepresented groups about the steps required to train as a physician.
Methods Asclepius is an annual week-long summer camp that introduces high school students to medicine through learning sessions and hands-on activities. Students completed a 10-question orally-administered test pre- and post-camp of their knowledge about the required training to become a physician. During the week, participants learned about pursuing a career in medicine through a formal lecture, two student panels, and informal opportunities to chat with medical students. A pairwise t-test was run to compare the group's objective scores before vs after camp.
Results There was a significant difference in test scores pre-camp (M = 7.12, SD = 2.39) and post-camp (M = 9.31, SD = 1.13); t(42) = 5.08, p< .05.
Discussion Our results suggest that Asclepius, as an example MMS, serves as a strategy to inform youth about careers in medicine through increasing their knowledge about the steps to becoming a physician. For youth facing barriers to accessing medical education, medical schools may utilize the MMS strategy to provide such youth with a toolkit to pursue this career. Further data are being collected about the impact of Asclepius.
Keyword 1 diversity
Keyword 2 undergraduate medical education
Keyword 3 admissions
Abstract content most relevant to: (check all that apply) Undergraduate Medical Education
Abstract Track - First Choice Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Authors Kimberly Papp
Amanda Krysler
Sicheng Lee
Shelley Ross

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