Submission ID 78123

Code OI-1-7
At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
Category International
Type Oral (International)
Title Arts and Humanities in Medical Education, A 3 Cohorts' Pilot Project
Abstract While medical faculties teach students to be competent future physicians, many often lack in an important component to the medical education: the arts and humanities and their link to sciences and medicine. Scientific approach is often opposed to the artistic creation when a lot of time, they can be complementary. Many studies have reported the benefits of incorporating arts and humanities into the medical education. We aim to mentor students into developing their professional identity as future physicians. This a pilot project spread over 3 cohorts, from 2021 to 2027. Each year, 15 to 20 students are electively enrolled, choosing to integrate program competencies (collaboration, communication, leadership, professionalism, health promotion) through an active engagement with arts and humanities. They are personally mentored longitudinally until the completion of their medical degree. Reflections are suggested around various themes such as doctor-patient relation, use of technologies, population health, death and dying, ethics… The objective is to help students develop a set of abilities that will be useful throughout their medical practice (critical thinking, introspection, interdisciplinarity…). We'll discuss the project so far, through a presentation of the students' development activities, their appreciation of the program and the perceived impact on their education and well-being.
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Authors Sarah Tinawi
Jean-François Montreuil

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