Submission ID 78121

Code WG-5
At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
Learning Objective 1 Explain root causes for lower life expectancy and poor Indigenous health outcomes.
Learning Objective 2 Describe the Model of Wholistic of Health and Wellbeing and the importance of incorporating culture as healing into care delivery.
Learning Objective 3 Discover potential opportunities to include traditional healing into care plans for Indigenous patients.
Category Medical Education
Type Workshop
Title Importance of Culture as Healing Towards Improving Indigenous Health Outcomes
Rationale/Background Much of health system delivery is through a Western lens, which does not always meet the needs of Indigenous peoples. Through a workshop format, there is an opportunity to proactively inform academic medicine learners the importance of cultural as healing and incorporating the Model of Wholisitic Health and Wellbeing in their practice right from the beginning. Sharing the impacts and the harm that colonization and current day anti-Indigenous racism in the health system holds for Indigenous health will spark their learning journey.
Instructional Methods We strongly believe that learning is best achieved when attendees are active participants. Therefore, the instructional format of the workshop with be IPHCC sharing of history and current day experiences, followed by a time for reflection and discovery. Depending on the size of the group, this may include breakout into smaller groups to allow for more intimate discussions, as well as anonymous surveying through Menti-meter so everyone can feel comfortable and protected in participating. When discussing the Model of Wholistic Health and Wellbeing, attendees will lead the discussions on what incorporation could look like in the clinical world, exploring potential implementation strategies.
Target Audience Medical learners, as well as academic leaders that may be interested in exploring implementing the learnings into academic curriculum as additional key ways of knowing.
Keyword 1 Indigenous Health
Keyword 2 Cultural
Keyword 3 Traditional Healing
Abstract content most relevant to: (check all that apply) Continuing Professional Development (CPD) (faculty development, CME)
Residency Education
Undergraduate Medical Education
Abstract Track - First Choice Indigenous Health
Authors Nicole Blackman
Caroline Lidstone-Jones
Nicole Blackman
Caroline Lidstone-Jones

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