Submission ID 78119

Code WC-6
At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
Learning Objective 1 • Describe the various skills sets necessary for each of the roles
Learning Objective 2 • Critically evaluate the different approaches and apply them to their own context
Learning Objective 3 • Identify any additional skills necessary to be a highly effective teacher
Category Medical Education
Type Workshop
Title Coaching and Mentoring - is It either/or or Both Together?
Rationale/Background With the increased emphasis on learner-centric education and competency-based learning the role of the teacher must now take many different forms. Harden & Lilley (2018) describe eight of these roles with one category being 'information provider and coach' and another being 'facilitator and mentor'. Whilst they describe the characteristics of each differently others argue that the overlap is so great that a clear distinction in not possible nor necessary and that 'mentoring-coaching' is a preferable concept (Pask & Joy, 2007) This workshop will explore the distinction between the roles and the appropriateness of each within different situations whilst still allowing the complexity of approach necessary to support student learning. "Being an anatomy teacher is a complex art. Beyond transfer of content, teachers must carefully create a culture of safe clinical practice and offer many windows for application and integration with the healthcare professionals" (Pawlina, 2015)
Instructional Methods Delegates will explore their preferred style of coaching and/or mentoring and identify strengths and weaknesses. Through the case studies and role play they will try out different approaches in a range of situations that will help inform their future practice. Interactive phases 1. Exploration of the approaches towards coaching or mentoring with case studies 2. Small group work plus de-brief on process and content 3. Whole group review of learning with future plans
Target Audience Medical Educators teaching undergraduates and postgraduate specialty trainees
Keyword 1 Coaching
Keyword 2 Mentoring
Keyword 3 Competency Based Learning
Abstract content most relevant to: (check all that apply) Continuing Professional Development (CPD) (faculty development, CME)
Residency Education
Undergraduate Medical Education
Abstract Track - First Choice Teaching and learning
Teaching and Learning Competency-Based Education
Integrated instruction & learning
Authors Mairi Scott
Susie Schofield
Mairi Scott

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