Submission ID 78186

Code OF-3-6
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Category Medical Education
Type Oral
Will the presenter be a: Student
Title Advancing Generalism: A Qualitative Study on Generalism Teaching and Learning in Canadian Undergraduate Family Medicine
Background/Purpose Despite widespread endorsement of generalism in medical education, recruitment into generalist disciplines is less than required to meet population healthcare needs. To date, our understandings of how generalism is explicitly taught in undergraduate medical education in Canada is vague. To inform curriculum development on generalism, this study aimed to comprehensively describe how generalism is taught in undergraduate family medicine (FM) in Canada.
Methods Qualitive exploratory study. Focus groups (n=17, participant n=38) were held with undergraduate FM leaders in 16 of 17 medical schools across Canada. Interviews were transcribed and French interviews (n=3) translated into English. Transcripts were analysed thematically, using inductive coding. The team met regularly to discuss and refine coding and theme development.
Results Four themes were identified: understanding generalism, current teaching practices, advancing generalism initiatives and unmet needs. A set of concepts underpin understandings of generalism including broad scope of knowledge, community engagement, the importance of context and commitment to social accountability. Generalism was understood as spanning a range of disciplines including internal medicine and pediatrics. Teaching of generalism was primarily through exposure, including placements, and mentoring relationships. While the term generalism was used in curriculum documents, explicit learning objectives, activities and evaluation was relatively absent. Several initiatives to promote generalism were described. Institutional culture, having a committed leadership and faculty support were key to supporting generalism.
Discussion Despite widespread commitment and local activities to promote generalism, experiences for learners are primarily tacit. Specific labelling and articulation of generalist learning activities could help learners understand more explicitly generalist practice across disciplines.
Keyword 1 Generalism
Keyword 2 Undergraduate
Keyword 3 Teaching
Abstract content most relevant to: (check all that apply) Undergraduate Medical Education
Abstract Track - First Choice Curriculum
Curriculum General
Authors Martina Kelly
Murthata Ali
Lynn Power
Ann Lee
Nathalie Boudreault
Maria Hubinette

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