Submission ID 78167

Code OC-4-6
At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
Category Medical Education
Type Oral
Will the presenter be a: Other
Presenter Other Mid career faculty
Title Addressing the Mental Health Needs of Inmates Through Education for Correctional Officers
Background/Purpose Globally, there has been an increase in rate of incarceration of individuals with mental disorder. Front-line officers play a central role in dealing with mental health struggles of inmates. Nonetheless, training officers receive is often considered inadequate.
Methods A needs assessment was undertaken and a course delivered to officers at Tonto South Detention Centre (TSDC), Vanier Centre for Women (VCW), and adapted to an online format at Edmonton Institute for Women (EIFW). Curriculum included mental health awareness; risk assessment; communicating with inmates; self-care/resilience. Simulations provided the opportunity for participants to identify mental illness, assess risk, and de-escalate situations. Participants' ability to assist individuals was established using pre-post-measures. Satisfaction surveys, three-month follow-up, focus groups at nine months showed impact of training.
Results Results were promising, 92% of participants at TSDC, 88% at VCW and 82% at EIFW expressed satisfaction and 62% at TSDC, 68% at VCW, and 61% at EIFW intended to change practices. Analyses of change in knowledge and confidence scores showed statistically significant improvement in all measures. Three-month follow-up at TSDC showed 75% applied training to a "moderate or great extent". Focus groups showed improved ability to identify inmate struggles.
Discussion This study shows training that is interactive, provides opportunity for skills practice, and informed by needs, can have sustained impact on practice, improve attitudes toward inmates presenting with mental health issues, and help empower officers to better meet the mental health needs of inmates. System and culture change however is needed to support maintenance of gains.
Keyword 1 continuing professional development
Keyword 2 correctional officers
Keyword 3 mental health training
Abstract content most relevant to: (check all that apply) Continuing Professional Development (CPD) (faculty development, CME)
Abstract Track - First Choice Curriculum
Curriculum Case-Based
Authors Shaheen Darani
Shaheen Darani
Kiran Patel
Laura Hayos
Tanya Connors
Faisal Islam
Anika Saiva
Fabienne Hargreaves
Rachel Antinucci
Stephanie Sliekers
Sandy Simpson

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