Submission ID 78087

Code P28
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Category Medical Education
Type Poster
Will the presenter be a: Student
Title A Collaborative Student-Led Systematic Review Initiative to Foster Research Skills
Background/Purpose Incorporating research methods training into medical education improves students' critical thinking skills and attitudes towards research, however, outcomes on research skills are lacking. Medical students who participated in a student-led systematic review were surveyed to evaluate if a collaborative research project was an effective method of delivering research methods education.
Methods 22 senior medical students who participated in the review were eligible. Students' perceived research knowledge and understanding was evaluated retrospectively using the adapted Systematic Review Competencies Framework. Gains in adaptive expertise were measured using the validated Adaptive Expertise Inventory. Data related to motivating factors, benefits, and challenges was also collected.
Results 14 students completed the survey (64%). All had prior research experience. There was a clinically significant improvement in systematic review competencies before and after participation in the review (33.29 vs. 62.07, p <.001). Students' overall adaptive expertise was 3.81 (SD = 0.68), spanning domain skills 4.04 (SD = 0.79) and innovative skills 4.1 (SD = 0.69). Motivating factors and benefits to participation included gain of research experience and skills (93%, 100%) and CV enhancement (93%, 79%), respectively. Challenges included lack of knowledge of research tasks (43%) and poor communication between team members (36%).
Discussion Collaborative student-led research projects are a promising approach to delivering research methods education to medical students. This study may serve as a preliminary model for future research methods initiatives to be adopted in medical education on a national scale.
Keyword 1 Medical education
Keyword 2 Research methods
Keyword 3
Abstract content most relevant to: (check all that apply) Undergraduate Medical Education
Abstract Track - First Choice Research methods
Research methods Mixed methods
Authors Katherine Goren
Katherine Goren
Sam Cen
Vanessa Montemurri
Dirusha Moodley
Arielle Sutton
Farah Abdulsatar
Robin Mackin
Emily Marcotte
Amrit Kirpalani

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