Submission ID 78051

Code P71
At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
Category Medical Education
Type Oral
Will the presenter be a: Student
Title A Curriculum Ignored? the Usage of Official Curriculum Resources and Commercial or Peer Learning Resources
Background/Purpose Medical students have many options for commercial or free educational resources that supplement or replace aspects of the medical curriculum. Despite this, there remains little evidence surrounding the prevalence, benefits, and drawbacks of these compared to the official curriculum.
Methods A mixed methods survey of pre-clerkship uOttawa medical students was used to determine the usage, rationale, and perceived benefits and drawbacks of educational resources. The response rate was 57/342. Thematic analysis was used.
Results Of 57 respondents (first year=21, second year=34, PhD=2) 98.2% report using third-party resources, with Upper Year Notes, Anki, and Question Banks being most common. Students report spending the majority (63%) of their time using these thirdparty resources. Official lecture slides or practice tests were reported to be used by 75.4%, but a quarter (26.3%) report not attending any non-mandatory lectures. There was a drop from 76.2% to 70.6% in attendance from year 1 to year 2. Advantages of third party resources listed were faster, more efficient, and easier to understand/search. Disadvantages were difficulty connecting unofficial resources and tests, the level of detail, and cost of third-party resources. Resources were generally discontinued because of cost (commercial resources) or learning style mismatch (free resources). Students predominantly learned about resources via peers (85.96%) or online searches (91.23%). 70.1% of students are satisfied with their studying methods with the main concerns being exam performance and time spent studying.
Discussion Given the prevalence of these resources we suggest a need to consider why students are forsaking the formal curriculum and to reassess curricular reform.
Keyword 1 Self-directed learning
Keyword 2 Flashcards
Keyword 3 Spaced repetition
Abstract content most relevant to: (check all that apply) Undergraduate Medical Education
Abstract Track - First Choice Teaching and learning
Teaching and Learning Collaborative/Peer to Peer
Integrated instruction & learning
Quality improvement
Authors Donovan Makus
Anshu Kashyap
Mark Labib
Susan Humphrey-Murto
Donovan Makus

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