Submission ID 77970
Code | OG-3-5 |
At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to: | |
Category | Medical Education |
Type | Oral |
Will the presenter be a: | Other |
Presenter Other | Research Director, Niagara Regional Campus. McMaster University |
Title | Attitudes Towards Scholarly Activity Among Canadian Medical Students |
Background/Purpose | CanMEDS, a competency framework for Canadian physicians, considers scholarly activity an essential competency for practice. The Association of Faculty of Medicine of Canada (AFMC) annual Student Entry, Pre-Clerkship and Graduation surveys include questions regarding attitudes towards scholarly activity. Our analyses of these data explored whether attitudes changed longitudinally and whether differences exist between students training in academic health sciences centres (AHSC) and distributed medical education campuses (DME) as there are barriers to research participation in DME campuses. |
Methods | Data from the 2015 to 2022 AFMC surveys were analyzed. Statistical differences were tested with chi-square. |
Results | In 2021, the response rates were 32% (995 of 3,135) for the Student Entry survey (five AHSCs and five DMEs) and 6% (263 of 4,582) for the Pre-Clerkship survey (five AHSCs and seven DMEs). In the Entry surveys, 95% (188 of 201) and 59% (586 of 995) of students in 2019 and 2021 respectively reported "clinical practice" as their career intent from the listed activities. "Research/science" and "education" increased from 2% (4 of 201) and 1% (1 of 201) in 2019 to 16% (156 of 905) and 19% (191 of 905) in 2021, respectively, (p < 0.001). In the 2021 Pre-Clerkship survey, 15% of DME students did not place importance on their faculty-supervised scholarly activities compared to 5% of AHSC students (p<0.001). |
Discussion | These results demonstrate the need for schools to provide scholarly activity opportunities, particularly in DME campuses. Providing training in and exposure to scholarly activity influence attitudes and career paths of students. |
Keyword 1 | Scholarly activity |
Keyword 2 | regional medical campus |
Keyword 3 | medical students |
Abstract content most relevant to: (check all that apply) | Undergraduate Medical Education |
Abstract Track - First Choice | Curriculum |
Curriculum | Competency-Based Education |
Authors | Seddiq Weera Amanda Bell Larry Chambrers Amanda Bell |