Submission ID 77949

Code OD-4-5
At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
Category Medical Education
Type Oral
Will the presenter be a: Student
Title Variation in the Standards of International Medical School Accreditation Agencies
Background/Purpose Leading international authorities recommend medical school accreditation as a key regulatory strategy to ensure a high-quality health care workforce. One criterion in the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME) Recognition Programme for accrediting agencies is that agencies must have comparable standards to the WFME global standards. This study explores the variation in accreditation standards among WFME-recognized agencies.
Methods Between July and September 2022, we reviewed websites of the 28 WFME-recognized accrediting agencies for their accreditation standards. We mapped the standards for each agency to the current WFME guidelines and examined the differences across agencies.
Results We obtained accreditation standards documents from 17 agencies. The number of accreditation standards and sub-standards ranged from 12 to 111 total elements. Some accreditation agencies did not address certain WFME standards, such as curriculum content and admissions, whereas others included additional standards, such as criteria for quality improvement and research. There was also variation in how similar accrediting bodies' standards were to WFME guidelines, with some using WFME standards as a template, others relying on standards not specific to medicine, and the rest having medical education standards that appeared specific to their context.
Discussion Differences between the WFME global standards and agencies' accreditation standards appear to reveal different values, priorities, and needs of medical education internationally. Accrediting agencies have the opportunity to make public how they develop and revise their standards to explain why differences in guidelines exist. Highlighting the variation may guide the development of quality standards that can meet both local and global needs.
Keyword 1 Medical school accreditation
Keyword 2 Quality assurance
Keyword 3 International medical education
Abstract content most relevant to: (check all that apply) Undergraduate Medical Education
Abstract Track - First Choice Social Accountability
Authors Yuxing Ma
Yuxing Ma
Sean Tackett

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