Submission ID 77817

Code OD-3-3
At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
Category Medical Education
Type Oral
Will the presenter be a: Other
Presenter Other Education Scientist
Title What Are the Elements of A Competency-Based, Longitudinal, and Integrated Md Curriculum that Relate to the Development of Competencies Underpinned by Social Accountability?
Background/Purpose While health professions education curricula are undergoing reform toward social accountability (SA), little is known about how, or what educational experiences transform learners and the processes behind such transformative action. The purpose of our study was to explore the ways in which stakeholders speak about elements of an undergraduate MD curriculum that foster the development of competencies related to SA.
Methods We undertook a qualitative descriptive study at one francophone Canadian university. Through purposive convenience and snowball sampling, we conducted 16 focus groups (virtual) with the following stakeholders: a) third- and fourth-year medical students, b) clinical teachers, c) program administrators (e.g., decanal leadership, clinical educators, clerkship leads) and e) community members (e.g., community organizations, patient-partners). We used inductive thematic analysis to interpret the data.
Results The participants' perspectives organized around five key themes including: a) defining a future socially accountable health professional, b) learning outcomes and educational approaches interwoven throughout the curriculum, c) learning environments that promote transformative learning, d) characteristics of a socially accountable MD program and faculty, and e) continuous quality improvement for curriculum planning. We will present findings related to each stakeholder group and those integrated across all stakeholders.
Discussion Our findings provide insights regarding the elements in a competency-based, longitudinal, and integrated MD curriculum that foster the development of competencies related to social accountability. We will describe what are the sequential pathways to achieve these competencies, and therefore address a critical knowledge-practice gap regarding what contributes to the implementation of educational approaches related to SA.
Keyword 1 social accountability
Keyword 2 MD curriculum
Keyword 3 professionalization
Abstract content most relevant to: (check all that apply) Undergraduate Medical Education
Abstract Track - First Choice Social Accountability
Authors Tim Dubé
Mariem Fourati
Annabelle Cumyn
Martine Chamberland
Sharon Hatcher
Michel Landry

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