Submission ID 77816

Code WH-3
At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
Learning Objective 1 To experience an arts-integrated approach as a teaching tool for social accountability;
Learning Objective 2 To explore the relationship between social accountability and compassion;
Learning Objective 3 To identify implementation opportunities for compassion training to achieve social accountability.
Category Medical Education
Type Workshop
Title Compassionately Accountable: A Demonstration of Arts-Integrated, Interactive Approaches
Rationale/Background From 2019 to 2022, four medical schools with social accountability mandates from across four uniquely different contexts (nationally from Australia, Canada and the USA) conducted a study to investigate people's perceptions of social accountability. The study (Stories and Art of Local Transformation in Health Education, or SALT-HE) used a multimodal arts-integrated methodology called "Parallaxic Praxis" (Sameshima 2019). "Care" and "compassion" emerged as critical concepts out of the qualitative data. Content analysis of the data and pedagogical discussions helped the team to realize that without compassion as the foundation, social accountability can run the risk of becoming an institutional or governmental check box for health professionals. In the follow-up interviews, participants of the study found that the arts integrated discussion was very effective in engaging visualization, conceptualization, and expression of ideas. In this workshop, participants will experience an arts integrated workshop and discuss ideas for integrating such an approach to support a socially accountable medical education fueled by compassion.
Instructional Methods Introduction and instruction (10-15 minutes) Art Making (20 minutes) Sharing (20 minutes)
Target Audience Health Professionals, Educators and Administrators
Keyword 1 compassion
Keyword 2 social accountability
Keyword 3 pedagogy
Abstract content most relevant to: (check all that apply) Continuing Professional Development (CPD) (faculty development, CME)
Undergraduate Medical Education
Abstract Track - First Choice Social Accountability
Authors Erin Cameron
Roger Strasser
Hoi Cheu

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