Submission ID 77804

Code WC-5
At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
Learning Objective 1 1. Summarize the components of an introductory ES course
Learning Objective 2 2. Develop an approach to creating and maintaining an interactive ES course.
Learning Objective 3 3. Construct strategies to recruit participants and sustain faculty
Category Medical Education
Type Workshop
Title The Essence of Educational Scholarship: How to Create an Introductory Course for Healthcare Providers
Rationale/Background Education Scholarship (ES) is an umbrella term which can encompass both research and innovation in health professions education (CAME). Quality in education scholarship is attained through work that is peer-reviewed, publicly disseminated, and provides a platform that others can build on (Van Melle, 2012). While health care providers are taught how to be clinicians and care providers, they seldom have opportunities to develop their skills in ES. The Office of Education Scholarship, in the Department of Family and Community Medicine at the University of Toronto have created a longitudinal course called ESSENCE, that teaches the Foundational concepts of ES while mentoring participants to complete an ES project of their own choosing. This workshop will demonstrate how to develop and conduct your own ES course.
Instructional Methods The 90-minute workshop will utilize a multitude of teaching techniques including the following: 1. Didactic Background on basic education scholarship concepts (10min) 2. Participant Experiences: Tailoring the workshop to meet audience needs (10 min) 3. Small Group Exercises demonstrating how to teach key concepts (60min) 4. Large Group Debrief (10 min)
Target Audience Health care providers who are interested in learning about or leading programs in Education Scholarship.
Keyword 1 "Education Scholarship"
Keyword 2 "Medical Education"
Keyword 3 "faculty development"
Abstract content most relevant to: (check all that apply) Continuing Professional Development (CPD) (faculty development, CME)
Residency Education
Undergraduate Medical Education
Abstract Track - First Choice Faculty Development
Authors Gurpreet Mand
Joyce Nyhof-Young
Phillip Tsang
Vivian Choo
Risa Bordman
Gurpreet Mand
Risa Freeman
Navsheer Gill

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