Submission ID 77840

Code OD-3-4
At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
Category Medical Education
Type Oral
Will the presenter be a: Other
Presenter Other Other Academic
Title Deconstructing and Reconstructing: Revising Service Learning Objectives in Dialogue with Community Partners
Background/Purpose Since 2016, pre-clerkship undergraduate medical students at the University of Manitoba have participated in Service Learning (SL) with community partner organizations. In 2019, we sought formal feedback about the SL program from community partners involved in program delivery. This feedback identified that the SL program's original learning objectives had been developed exclusively by university staff.
Methods To more fully recognize community partners as co-educators, we obtained funding to engage in dialogue with community partners to reimagine the SL program's learning objectives. The working group guiding this project, comprised of medical students, community partners, and university staff, facilitated three "listening groups" with community partners in May 2022; 10 community partner organizations participated.
Results Following analysis of the listening group data, the working group developed five revised learning objectives for the SL program. These revised objectives reflect community partner-identified priorities for the program; they have been submitted for curricular governance review to be implemented in fall 2023.
Discussion Planning, co-imagining, and co-constructing the SL program objectives together with community partners was a rich and meaningful endeavour. The composition of the working group provided valuable insights and leadership for this process. Building on the 2019 feedback results, it was only through critical reflection upon the relational power dynamics between university staff and community partners, and a critical examination of the existing status quo - such as exclusively university staff developing the learning objectives of a community-based educational program - that existing practices could be deconstructed and intentionally reconstructed in more equitable and collaborative ways.
Keyword 1 Service Learning
Keyword 2 Community Engagement
Keyword 3 Learning Objective
Abstract content most relevant to: (check all that apply) Undergraduate Medical Education
Abstract Track - First Choice Social Accountability
Authors Karen Cook
Liam Fullerton
Angeline Nelson
Prasansa Subedi
Harman Vats
Britney Wilson
Chelsea Jalloh
Barbara Borges

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