Submission ID 77726

Code WB-2
At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
Learning Objective 1 Describe the 4C's of Influence Framework: Competence, Character, Connection, and Culture, along with their relationship to effective influence and leadership
Learning Objective 2 identify various approaches to support the implementation of the 4C's of Influence in Medical Education Framework within the education setting.
Learning Objective 3 recommend methods to evaluate the effectiveness of integrating the 4C's into curriculum
Category Medical Education
Type Workshop
Title The 4c's of Influence: Innovations in Teaching Leadership Development Across the Medical Education Continuum
Rationale/Background Leadership development is recognized as part of the core skillset physicians. Competence, Character, Connection and Culture are critical for effective influence and leadership in medicine. Our framework, "The 4C's of Influence", focuses on integrating these dimensions across the medical education continuum. We use a variety of pedagogical methods to implement a comprehensive adaptable curriculum.As leadership requires foundational skills and knowledge, a leader must be competent to exert positive influence. Character Based Leadership stresses development and commitment to values and principles, in the face of everyday situational pressures. If competence confers the ability to do the right thing, character is the will to do it consistently. Next, leaders must build relationships, fostering connection. Building coalitions with extensive and diverse networks ensure different perspectives are integrated and valued. Connected leadership involves inspiration, authenticity, collaboration and engagement. To create a thriving, health promoting learning environment, culture will hold everything together.
Instructional Methods Framework presented in engaging lecture format. (15 mins) Review interactive case study that utilizes our framework to address a challenging scenario (15 mins) Small groups activities that guide attendees through initial steps to integrate concepts into curriculum. (60 mins)
Target Audience This is an introductory workshop for learners and educators across the learning continuum who are interested in leadership development.
Keyword 1 Leadership
Keyword 2
Keyword 3
Abstract content most relevant to: (check all that apply) Continuing Professional Development (CPD) (faculty development, CME)
Residency Education
Undergraduate Medical Education
Abstract Track - First Choice Leadership
Authors Nabil Sultan
Jerry Maniate
Lyn Sonnenberg
Victor Do
Victor Do

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