Submission ID 77700

Code WF-6
At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
Learning Objective 1 Describe international t rends in medical school accreditation
Learning Objective 2 Describe strengths and limitations of evidence related to medical school accreditation
Learning Objective 3 List at least one way accreditation can be improved
Category Medical Education
Type Workshop
Title Evidence and Innovation in Medical School Accreditation
Rationale/Background International authorities promote accreditation of medical schools as integral to quality assurance and regulation strategies. The World Federation for Medical Education's (WFME's) Recognition Programme is expanding, formally recognizing a growing number of accrediting authorities that collectively have jurisdiction over hundreds of medical schools and thousands of medical students and faculty. Many affected stakeholders have little understanding of ways to be critical while participating in change.
Instructional Methods We will assess participants' knowledge and assumptions related to accreditation. (5 min) Dr. Tackett will summarize the evidence related to medical school accreditation internationally, updating a scoping review (1). Dr. Rashid will overview the WFME Recognition Programme and summarize his analysis on the globalization of accreditation (2). (20 min) Participants will discuss implications of the expansion and standardization of medical school accreditation, their ideas for improving accreditation, and what evidence would be useful to generate. Small groups will report out to the large group. (20 min) Dr. Whitehead will describe her experience cooperating with Canada's national accrediting authority as a way to generate research evidence to inform accreditation processes (3). (10 min) Participants will discuss promising research questions and how the research might be accomplished. Small groups will report out to the large group. (20 min) In the final discussion we will seek to address unanswered questions about accreditation and discuss opportunities for innovation and scholarship to advance accreditation practices. (15 min)
Target Audience Anyone involved in medical school education
Keyword 1 Accreditation
Keyword 2 World Federation for Medical Education
Keyword 3 International medical education
Abstract content most relevant to: (check all that apply) Undergraduate Medical Education
Abstract Track - First Choice Other
Authors Cynthia Whitehead
Ahmed Rashid
Sean Tackett

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