Submission ID 77752

Code P63
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Category Medical Education
Type Poster
Will the presenter be a: Other
Presenter Other Medical Education Administration Staff
Title Ethical Aspects of the Guidelines for Medical Education for Students in Their Clerkship Year with the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Background/Purpose Guidelines for clerkship training at one Canadian medical school did not state the ethical principles associated with the decision to suspend and eventually resume clinical training during the COVID-19 pandemic. The absence of stated ethical principles was notable considering the impact these decisions had on various stakeholders, and since ethics plays a large role in the practice of medicine.
Methods The method employed for researching this topic included a survey of the guidelines published by AFMC and COFM as they apply to clerkship, and the specific Schulich guidelines that derive from these, other applicable Schulich guidelines, and a literature review. This method will involve descriptive, qualitative research employing primary sources and an ethical lens approach
Results Ethical principles were not listed in these documents, which address the circumstances of clerkship during the COVID-19 pandemic, notably the initial pause when students were removed from clinical settings, and as considerations were made in the circumstances that would permit them to resume their training. Ethical principles could be found to be implicit within guidelines.
Discussion Our principal recommendation is that the ethical principles and values which were implicit in the documents reviewed are clearly documented in future guidelines. When ethical principles are included in the decision-making process in extraordinary circumstances such as the COVID-19 pandemic, it helps to promote understanding, trust and transparency among the individuals it impacts: medical students, physician preceptors and medical school administrators.
Keyword 1 Clerkship pause
Keyword 2 COVID-19 pandemic
Keyword 3 Ethical principles
Abstract content most relevant to: (check all that apply) Undergraduate Medical Education
Authors Christine Gignac
Christine Gignac
Hazel Markwell

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