Submission ID 77611
Code | WF-3 |
At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to: | |
Learning Objective 1 | Explain how PerMS can be utilized by medical learners to support their learning goals |
Learning Objective 2 | Demonstrate the integration of PerMS into curricula through a number of clinical and non-clinical scenarios |
Learning Objective 3 | Evaluate the effectiveness of the educational approaches to developing PerMS in learners. |
Category | Medical Education |
Type | Workshop |
Title | Performance Mental Skills (Perms) in Medical Education |
Rationale/Background | Between championship games, Olympic trials, code responses, and crucial conversations, high performance sports and residency training share many parallels. Which mental skills are needed for each circumstance? Performance mental skills (PerMS) refer to the cognitive and behavioural skills required to ensure the best mental and physical states prior to, during, and after tasks. These skills can include goal setting, imagery, positive self-talk, and reframing. Is there an opportunity for these skills to foster growth mindsets and help learners achieve their greatest potential and self-actualization, complementing the Competence-by-Design approach? Evidence to date for PerMS in medical education supports improved performance in technical skills and high stress situations. The gap is that medical education lacks a comprehensive curricular approach to developing these skills. Our workshop is designed to introduce educators to how PerMS can be integrated into medical education curriculum and why they are critical to strategically develop. |
Instructional Methods | We will begin with a lecture on basic PerMS principles and how they can be applied to medical education from the literature and our experience. (15 min) Review an interactive case study that highlights how PerMS can be used to address a challenging scenario (30 min) Guided small group work to develop an approach/strategy/next steps to integrate these concepts into curriculum. (45 min) |
Target Audience | Medical educators who are interested in learning how to integrate PerMS development into curriculum to empower learners to reach their best potential. |
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Abstract content most relevant to: (check all that apply) | Continuing Professional Development (CPD) (faculty development, CME)
Residency Education Undergraduate Medical Education |
Abstract Track - First Choice | Teaching and learning |
Teaching and Learning | Health and Well-being |
Authors | Victor Do Cheryl Goldstein Roshan Abraham |