Submission ID 77683

Code P75
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Category Medical Education
Type Oral
Will the presenter be a: Graduate Student
Title Retrospective Study Assessing the Effects of Bariatric Surgery on Quality of Life and Comorbid Conditions in Obese Individuals
Background/Purpose The aim of the study is to report on the safety outcomes of performing bariatric surgery at an ambulatory surgical facility. We also hope to quantify changes in obese patients' comorbidities following gastric sleeve surgery.
Methods We conducted a retrospective correlational study with adults over 18 to quantify the impact of laparoscopic gastric sleeve surgery on obesity comorbidities.Obesity related comorbidities were reported pre-op and patients were contacted post-op for reassessment.
Results A total of 219 patients (177 women (80.8%) and 42 men (19.2%) with a mean age of 41.6 yrs and an average BMI of 37.3 underwent surgery. There were three reported complications post-op. No deaths were reported as a result of the surgery. Surgery led to a significant reduction in the number of pre-operative comorbidities (M= 0.8) compared to post-operative comorbidities (M=0.2); t (218) = 10.61, p=.05. An exact McNemar's test determined that there was a statistically significant difference in the number of self-reported comorbidities, pre-operation vs post-operation. Specifically, it showed statistically significant reduction in the incidence of diabetes, sleep apnea, hypertension, GERD, and chronic pain.
Discussion The findings suggest significant improvement in obesity related comorbidities in patients who underwent the gastric sleeve surgery. Successful surgery can be safely preformed in an outpatient setting and it indicates that weight loss following gastric sleeve surgery is sufficient to improve comorbid conditions such as GERD, hypertension, sleep apnea and diabetes.
Keyword 1 obesity
Keyword 2 comorbidities
Keyword 3 bariatric
Abstract content most relevant to: (check all that apply) Undergraduate Medical Education
Abstract Track - First Choice Wellness and the culture of medicine
Authors Nabil Merchant
Dr. Kashif Irshad
Ali Hazrati
Ally Auzad
Shannon Pereira
Ally Auzad
Shannon Pereira

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