Submission ID 77599

Code OG-4-5
At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
Category Medical Education
Type Oral
Will the presenter be a: Early Career Faculty - (Less than 7 years of practice)
Title Talking About Notes: Discharge Summary Quality and Improvement on A Geriatric Inpatient Unit
Background/Purpose Discharge summaries are important educational tools, guiding trainees in their collection and documentation of data. As geriatric competencies are integrated in medical curricula, documentation on inpatient geriatric rotations should represent the unique care and education provided, yet often follow generic templates. What content should be included in a geriatric discharge summary has not previously been explored and was the purpose of this study.
Methods A mixed-methods designed-based research approach was used to assess note quality on a geriatric inpatient unit and iteratively co-develop a template with examples through three phases: (1) needs assessment, (2) consensus building and (3) template development.
Results Sixty-eight discharge summaries were assessed by five geriatricians, with 14 gaps identified. Many of these reflected elements that were present but addressed generically without attention to the specificity required from a geriatric perspective. In response, the team developed a geriatric-specific template with explicit examples. Through the consensus process three barriers to quality notes and trainee education were identified: the chronic state of low-quality notes being accepted as the norm, time limitations due to the high volume of patients and high volume of clinical documents.
Discussion The identification of gaps in geriatric discharge summaries allowed for the co-development of an instructional template and examples that goes beyond simple headings and highlights the importance of applying and documenting geriatric competencies. Although we encourage others to take up and modify the tools for trainees in their local context, more importantly, we encourage them to take up the dialogue about note quality.
Keyword 1 discharge summary
Keyword 2 clinical documentation
Keyword 3 geriatric competencies
Abstract content most relevant to: (check all that apply) Residency Education
Undergraduate Medical Education
Abstract Track - First Choice Teaching and learning
Teaching and Learning Clinical Context
Quality improvement
Authors Alishya Burrell
Alishya Burrell
Mark Goldszmidt

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