Submission ID 77434

Code OH-5-3
At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
Category Medical Education
Type Oral
Will the presenter be a: Other
Presenter Other Faculty non clinical
Title Experiential Learning of Level of Care Discussions in Geriatric Care
Background/Purpose Conducting level of care discussions in geriatric care is hard to learn. We sought to investigate how experienced professionals learned it and explore how this experiential learning could form the basis of formative assessment rubrics.
Methods Participants were three experienced Health Professionals (GP, Nurse and Rehabilitation therapist) in a public long-term care facility, situated in a semi-rural setting. They allowed us to film two of their regular meetings (4 hours in total) in which level of care was discussed. Six months after, we invited each one individually to watch a set of sequences selected from the original material and asked them to comment and explain. Later, we invited participants in pairs to share their explanations to each other as they watched the same sequences. Finally, the entire group discussed and agreed on assessment criteria for the rubrics. All sessions with participants were filmed, transcribed and subjected to thematic analysis.
Results A set of performance criteria about level of care discussions with elderly patients and their families emerged. Furthermore, experiential learning provided focus on what health providers can do when level of care discussion is recommended: 1) seek opportunities when patient is receptive to arguments for changing; 2) speak of impact decisions have on care givers and health providers; 3) deliver message as best you can to help you unburden and accept patients' decision.
Discussion Experiential learning provided relevant criteria to supports gradual development of capability. The focus on concrete actions, as modeled by experienced clinicians, allows for contextualized and nuanced discussions with supervisors.
Keyword 1 Formative assessment rubrics
Keyword 2 Experiential Learning
Keyword 3 Level of care discussion
Abstract content most relevant to: (check all that apply) Continuing Professional Development (CPD) (faculty development, CME)
Residency Education
Undergraduate Medical Education
Abstract Track - First Choice Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes Clinical Skills
Communication Skills
Critical Thinking
Life-Long Learning
Patient Management
Patient Safety
Authors Nicolas Fernandez
Nicolas Gulino

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