Submission ID 77419

Code WA-2
At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
Learning Objective 1 Define the concept of antiracism, social justice and allyship in the context of health professions education
Learning Objective 2 Discuss how antiracism and social justice impact and intersect with civility and wellness
Learning Objective 3 Share examples of how to enact allyship in own context(s)
Learning Objective 4 Co-create new strategies to build and enact allyship within own context(s)
Category Medical Education
Type Workshop
Title Critical Dialogues for Action: Unlearning and Relearning Through the -Isms and -Phobias
Rationale/Background Using experience from an international leadership education community of practice, Sanokondu (, this workshop will highlight and share leadership lessons learned relevant to health professions education across the learning continuum. Drawing on the -isms and -phobias that society is facing, we shall explore how antiracism & social justice impacts civility and wellness in health professions education. Language/terminology and practical tips/strategies will be crowdsourced and shared to facilitate work towards allyship and action in solidarity.
Instructional Methods Icebreaker/reflection exercises Brief didactic with handout for introduction to terms and concepts Storytelling and co-creation Pairs/Small group case discussion with large group debrief
Target Audience Anyone interested in developing as an anti-racist across the health professions and beyond. Suitable for learners, faculty and leaders alike.
Keyword 1 Anti-Racism
Keyword 2 Social Justice
Keyword 3 Allyship
Abstract content most relevant to: (check all that apply) Continuing Professional Development (CPD) (faculty development, CME)
Residency Education
Undergraduate Medical Education
Abstract Track - First Choice Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Authors Jerry Maniate
Ming-Ka Chan
Lyn Sonnenberg
Jamiu Busari

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