Submission ID 77325

Code WD-2
At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
Learning Objective 1 Describe evidence-informed best practices for designing evaluation surveys to optimize response rates.
Learning Objective 2 Assess current program evaluation survey response rates within their context including successes and areas for improvement.
Learning Objective 3 Design interventions to increase valid and representative evaluation data for CPD programs.
Category Medical Education
Type Workshop
Title Best Practices for Optimizing Survey Response Rates: Strategies From the World of C P D Evaluation
Rationale/Background Accredited medical education programs across the educational continuum require an evaluative component. Online surveys offer a convenient, low-cost method for collecting feedback. A well-planned evaluation can also provide insight on speaker effectiveness & program impact, and reinforce learners' new knowledge. However, for survey data to be valid and representative, response rates must reach a minimum sample size. Across medical education, electronic evaluations and survey fatigue contribute to low response rates and engagement. In this workshop, participants will learn about minimum survey response rates and explore best practices to increase response rates in a medical education context. Attendees will be encouraged to strive for a culture of evaluation characterized by QI and psychological safety principles.
Instructional Methods Evidence-informed best practices for an effective evaluation strategy with optimal response rates will be presented, including stakeholder engagement; increasing visibility & accessibility of electronic surveys; and survey design. Participants will apply strategies in small groups and share their experiences of what works and doesn't work in common evaluation scenarios. Small group deliberations will be debriefed in facilitated large group discussion. Participants will receive a handout with key references and the strategies and best practices presented in the workshop.
Target Audience Educational planning committees; evaluation, QI, & accreditation specialists; educational leaders
Keyword 1 Program Evaluation
Keyword 2 Survey response rates
Keyword 3 CPD
Abstract content most relevant to: (check all that apply) Continuing Professional Development (CPD) (faculty development, CME)
Residency Education
Undergraduate Medical Education
Abstract Track - First Choice Curriculum
Curriculum Evaluation
Quality improvement
Authors Clare Cook
James Goertzen
Tanya Hill
James Goertzen
Clare Cook
Tanya Hill

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