Submission ID 93513

Poster Code HR-P-90
Title of Abstract An artistic approach to knowledge translation: using art to connect women living with HIV to research findings
Abstract Submission Background: Women living with HIV in British Columbia, and across Canada, deeply feel the loss of women-centred spaces for connection, learning, and meaningful knowledge translation and exchange (KTE). We, therefore, developed a series of arts-based KTE events for women to learn about healthy aging research. Methods: Our KTE team includes women living with HIV, a provincial HIV/AIDS Service Organization, Community Research Associates, trainees, and researchers. Events consisted of a lay-language presentation about actionable research findings, brainstorming sessions around health improvement in relation to the theme, an art activity, a shared meal, and gift bags containing health-promoting items customized to the theme. To gauge their value and efficacy, participants completed evaluation forms for each event. Results: Four events have been held thus far, three in Vancouver and one in Prince George, with 14-19 attendees/event. Themes included cortisol/stress management, menopause, and chronic pain. Each used a different art medium, including canvas painting, body mapping, and stencil drawing. Thirty feedback forms were received from three events (response rate = 30/48, 62.5%). The majority of participants agreed that the topics were important to them (100%), they felt safe attending the event (100%), they had fun (93.3%), they would recommend the event to a friend (100%), the art activities helped them to interact with the knowledge shared (92.6%), and they know more about the presented topic than they did before attending the event (92.6%). One participant shared "we really get uplifted with connection at this level!" Women's appreciation and engagement in learning about health and science through art was resounding. Conclusion: The positive reception and high attendance at these events aligns with national calls to action by women living with HIV to create women-centred spaces. Our results emphasize the value of such events for connection, art, and learning by and with women living with HIV.
Please indicate who nominated you Dr. Torsten Nielsen - University of British Columbia MD/PhD Program Direction
What Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) institute is your research most closely aligned? Gender and Health
Infection and Immunity
What Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) pillar of health research does your research fall under? Clinical
PDF of abstract ICAM 2023 - Art-based KT_Feb 13.pdf
2023-02-15 at 18:12:42
Presenter and Author(s) Shayda A. Swann
Shelly Tognazzini
Claudette Cardinal
Davi Pang
Junko Milton
Amber R. Campbell
Elizabeth M. King
Valerie Nicholson
Angela Kaida
Helene C.F. Cote
Melanie C.M. Murray

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