Submission ID 92861

Poster Code HR-P-30
Title of Abstract The Ottawa Faculty of Medicine's Student Mentorship Program: A Program to Support Medical Students
Abstract Submission Background The Faculty of Medicine Student Mentoring Centre (SMC) was a novel initiative that was introduced in September 2012. As part of this quality improvement project, we hope to better understand student use of the SMC and effectiveness of the program in relation to the needs of medical students. Approach Since the program's initiation in 2012, an end of year report has been prepared that includes various statistics about the program. This study was a retrospective review of these end of year reports. The data collected included the total number of tutorials and office hours, number of students who used the tutorials and office hours, average number of student attendance per session, and number of times study material was accessed by students. Descriptive analysis was performed. Outcomes Ever since its initiation in 2012, the SMC has run formal bilingual academic tutoring and mentoring sessions for one hour a week. In 2012-2013 and 2013-2014, 38 and 55 students have used the SMC respectively representing a 36% increase. By 2017-2018, the attendance rate for the year hiked up to 348 (241.17%) and 1451 (1834.67%) by 2021-2022. The number of students who used the office hours was 10 in 2017-2018, and increased to 25 by 2021-2022 which represented a 75% increase in attendance over 4 years. From 2020-2021, we can see that 71% and 29% of the attendees were for the English and French sessions respectively. From 2021-2022, we can see that 82% and 18% of the attendees were for the English and French sessions respectively. Next Steps Our description of the program, which is the only known one in Canada, shows that student use of the center over the years has greatly increased. The authors plan to further quantify the effects of the Mentoring Centre through a prospective study in the future.
Please indicate who nominated you Dr. Haykal
What Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) institute is your research most closely aligned? Population and Public Health
What Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) pillar of health research does your research fall under? Population health
PDF of abstract The Ottawa Faculty of Medicines Student Mentorship Program Abstract Final.pdf
2023-01-31 at 21:04:16
Presenter and Author(s) Tara Gholamian
Kay-Anne Haykal
Tara Gholamian

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