Submission ID 92626

Poster Code HR-P-67
Title of Abstract Post-PASC Vaccination is associated with reduced clinical symptoms and inflammation in patients with Long COVID
Abstract Submission Vaccination is associated with reduced clinical symptoms and inflammation in patients with Long COVID Maryam Nayyerabadi, Swarali Joshi, Prabha Chandrasekaran, Arpita Chakravarti, Chantal Massé, Marie-Lorna Paul, Joanie Houle, Amina Boubekeur, Charlotte Dusablon, Valérie Boudreau, Danijela Bovan, Emma Darbinian, Sandra Vinci, Pierre- Olivier Hétu, Johanne Poudrier, Emilia L. Falcone WHO defined PASC (Post-Acute Sequela of COVID-19) as the presence of symptoms 3 months after acute infection that lasts for more than 2 months. Vaccination against COVID-19 was launched to decrease the prevalence and severity of acute infections, but its effect on PASC is unclear. We investigated if vaccination against COVID-19 influences PASC clinical presentation and immune profile. In IPCO (the Institut de Recherches cliniques de Montréal (IRCM) Post-COVID-19 Research Clinic) we enrolled 83 participants at any time between 1 to 12 months from the date of COVID-19 diagnosis with follow-up visits scheduled at 3, 6, and 12 months; and 2 to 4 weeks after vaccination date. IPCO protocol includes collecting demographic characteristics and clinical at the baseline visit, and well-being score, clinical evaluation, review of vaccination status and adverse effects, 49 PASC symptoms evaluation, and blood sampling for CBC, CRP, fibrinogen, ferritin, D-dimer, cytokine and chemokine profile at each visit. The majority of participants were female (66.2%), with mild acute COVID-19 presentation (86.8%). Vaccinated participants had significantly fewer PASC symptoms, fewer organ systems affected, higher well-being score, and lower levels of cytokines/chemokines compared to the non-vaccinated group. We further observed correlations between certain cytokines/chemokines, as well as correlations between clinical parameters and certain cytokines/chemokines. Together, the data from this study demonstrate higher pro-inflammatory responses associated with PASC symptoms and identify the role of vaccination in mitigation. The protective role of vaccination likely goes beyond acute COVID-19 and extends to alleviate PASC, potentially by regulating the immune responses.
Please indicate who nominated you Dr. Emilia Liana Falcone
What Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) institute is your research most closely aligned? Infection and Immunity
What Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) pillar of health research does your research fall under? Biomedical
PDF of abstract NayyerabadiMaryam.Abstract.pdf
2023-01-31 at 13:27:46
Presenter and Author(s) Maryam Nayyerabadi
Emilia Falcone

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