Submission ID 91944

Poster Code HR-P-81
Title of Abstract Taming the Cytokine Storm by Modulating the NF-κβ butterfly effect: Repurposing Montelukast for the attenuation and prophylaxis of COVID-19 symptoms
Abstract Submission The two main complications of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infections are the development of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), as well as the development of complications from a hyperinflammatory cytokine profile (a cytokine storm). NF-κβ (nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells) is a protein complex involved in cytokine production and inflammation, with attenuation of NF-κβ associated with a reduction in cytokine production. Montelukast, an FDA and Health Canada approved asthma drug, has been shown to inhibit the signalling of NF-κβ, and other proinflammatory mediators, such as interleukin-6,8,10, TNF-α, MCP-1. Herein, we outline the scientific rational behind our hypothesis that repurposing Montelukast to target suppression of NF-κβ activation in COVID-19 positive patients will result in a corresponding reduction of proinflammatory mediators, thereby attenuating cytokine production, and dampening of the cytokine storm. Additionally, we postulate that a reduction in proinflammatory mediators by Montelukast will result in a mitigation of severe COVID-19 symptoms and serve as a therapeutic for SARS-CoV-2 infections. In this manner, we propose to target attenuation of COVID-19 symptoms, rather than the virus, as an effective therapeutic strategy to improve COVID-19 related clinical outcomes. In support of our hypothesis, we explore the latest clinical reports on COVID-19 and cytokine storm syndrome, as well as the clinical role of NF-κβ in COVID-19 pathogenesis, including results from the literature on Montelukast and its ability to modulate NF-κβ, reduce cytokine production, and mitigate RNA virus infections. Currently, as part of a larger team approach, we are preparing to initiate a clinical trial protocol for the study of the efficacy of Montelukast in patients who are newly identified as COVID-19 positive, The COvid-19 Symptom MOntelukast Trial (COSMO), NCT04389411. Also, we would share some anecdotal evidence from patients who got benefit by adding Montelukast in their drug regimen.
Please indicate who nominated you Rady Faculty of Health Science, University of Manitoba
What Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) institute is your research most closely aligned? Infection and Immunity
What Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) pillar of health research does your research fall under? Biomedical
PDF of abstract Abstract Submission_ICAM_2023_Sanghai.pdf
2023-01-27 at 23:04:24
Presenter and Author(s) Nitesh Sanghai
Nitesh Sanghai

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