Submission ID 90544

Poster Code HR-P-14
Title of Abstract iRespite: Designing an app to coordinate respite care services for palliative oncology families
Abstract Submission Background: Respite care helps to support death at home, by allowing patients and family caregivers coping with advanced cancers to experience short breaks from their intensive family roles. However, many families forego this critical service because scheduling is inflexible and respite care providers lack palliative care training. Objective: The aim was to design an app to facilitate flexible coordination of respite care services provided by those with palliative care experience, for families coping with advanced cancers in Quebec, Canada. Methods: A 3-phase, user-centered design study is in-progress consisting of: Phase 1, brainstorming; Phase 2, low-fidelity wireframing; and Phase 3, high-fidelity wireframing of the final prototype. Ten nurses, 10 adults with advanced cancer, and 10 of their family caregivers are being recruited in Quebec to participate in virtual semi-structured interviews and focus groups. Data are being analysed using content analysis techniques to determine the app features. Results: Recruitment is in-progress, and 2 patients, 4 caregivers, and 9 nurses have participated thus far. Two modules have been identified for refinement: a direct-care coordination module, and a database to navigate local respite care agencies. Preliminary Phase 3 focus group results for finalizing the prototype design will be available for the conference. Implications: This research aims to co-design with families and nurses an app that can improve access to trusted and flexible respite care services. Such an app will further support patients and families in staying home as long as possible, even if death at home is not feasible or desired.
Please indicate who nominated you McGill University, Faculty of Medicine - Dr. Aimee Ryan & Dr. Sonia Semenic
What Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) institute is your research most closely aligned? Cancer Research
Health Services and Policy Research
What Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) pillar of health research does your research fall under? Health systems services
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Presenter and Author(s) Aimee Castro

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